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Landscapes, travels and heritage

To soak up a place, there's nothing like drawing. A notebook, a box of pencils and lots of observation. The drawings of visual artist Flavie Leh are precise, detailed, delicate. During her wanderings near her home or elsewhere, she enjoys drawing magnificent landscapes, genre scenes, heritage elements or small details on her way.

If the artist Flavie leh fills small notebooks which are as much memories of the places visited as works in their own right, she also produces drawings in different formats intended for exhibition.

You want a drawing of a building (town hall, castle, house...), of a particular landscape, illustrations for a publication or an entire exhibition on your region for example, you can contact Flavie Leh who will be happy to consider your request.

Flavie Leh -

Chardogne - Lorraine  -

06 40 20 35 06

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