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Courses and internships



Online courses and workshops (drawing, illumination, linocut etc) will be available by August 2022.

Subscribe to the site to be informed of their release!

Cours du 12.09.2020.jpg

Observational Drawing Course

Children - Teenagers - Adults


Beginners and advanced

Chardogne (55)

Stage d'initiation à l'enluminure.JPG

Courses and workshops

Everywhere in France


Children - Teenagers - Adults


Drawing - Illumination - Travel diaries - Pastel - Linocut - Modeling -  Botanical illustration - ...

Do you want to learn drawing? Have you always believed that you can't draw and you want to remedy that?

You already draw but you lack technique and you want to move up a gear?


Good news: you've come to the right place!

No need to know how to draw to take lessons or participate in an internship.

You will learn the basics of observational drawing, evaluate proportions, place shadows and lights, understand perspective...


If you already have experience, you will be able to deepen your practice and improve your skills.

Whether you are available for an hour or a week, you will surely find a workshop or an internship that will allow you to develop your artistic skills.



Don't hesitate to contact Flavie Leh to organize an internship in your company, your school, at an event (festival, fair, etc.) or in your region.

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